Types of mortgages


Fixed-rate mortgage

With a fixed-rate mortgage, the interest rate remains constant throughout the loan term. This provides stability in monthly mortgage payments, making it easier to budget.

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Adjustable-rate mortgage

With a fixed-rate mortgage, the interest rate remains constant throughout the loan term. This provides stability in monthly mortgage payments, making it easier to budget.

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Government-backed mortgages

With a fixed-rate mortgage, the interest rate remains constant throughout the loan term. This provides stability in monthly mortgage payments, making it easier to budget.

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How the mortgage process is handled


Start by getting pre-approved for a mortgage, which involves providing the necessary financial information to a lender

Mortgage application

Once you find a suitable lender, you'll complete a mortgage application and provide documents such as proof of income

Mortgage underwriting

The lender will review your application, verify the provided information, and assess your creditworthiness and the property's value.

Mortgage offer and acceptance

If approved, the lender will provide a mortgage offer outlining the terms, interest rate, loan amount, and any conditions.

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Take your first step towards a new home

Start your application

What kind of mortgage is right for you

Fixed-rate mortgage

Fixed-rate mortgage

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Debt collection for small business

Debt collection for small business

Enim sodales vulputate eu turpis et habitant. Non lectus feugiat sem nam eu lectus. Dui sit egestas urna morbi quis egestas scelerisque ullamcorper adipiscing.

manage your business credit

manage your business credit

Enim sodales vulputate eu turpis et habitant. Non lectus feugiat sem nam eu lectus. Dui sit egestas urna morbi quis egestas scelerisque ullamcorper adipiscing.

Mortgage process overview

Top credit card questions

Credit cards offer a convenient and widely accepted method of payment for goods and services, both online and in physical stores. Credit cards also offer various benefits and rewards programs, such as cashback.

Credit cards offer a convenient and widely accepted method of payment for goods and services, both online and in physical stores. Credit cards also offer various benefits and rewards programs, such as cashback.

Credit cards offer a convenient and widely accepted method of payment for goods and services, both online and in physical stores. Credit cards also offer various benefits and rewards programs, such as cashback.

Credit cards offer a convenient and widely accepted method of payment for goods and services, both online and in physical stores. Credit cards also offer various benefits and rewards programs, such as cashback.

Credit cards offer a convenient and widely accepted method of payment for goods and services, both online and in physical stores. Credit cards also offer various benefits and rewards programs, such as cashback.

Credit cards offer a convenient and widely accepted method of payment for goods and services, both online and in physical stores. Credit cards also offer various benefits and rewards programs, such as cashback.

Credit cards offer a convenient and widely accepted method of payment for goods and services, both online and in physical stores. Credit cards also offer various benefits and rewards programs, such as cashback.

Credit cards offer a convenient and widely accepted method of payment for goods and services, both online and in physical stores. Credit cards also offer various benefits and rewards programs, such as cashback.

Credit cards offer a convenient and widely accepted method of payment for goods and services, both online and in physical stores. Credit cards also offer various benefits and rewards programs, such as cashback.

Credit cards offer a convenient and widely accepted method of payment for goods and services, both online and in physical stores. Credit cards also offer various benefits and rewards programs, such as cashback.